ODE to Discovery Summer RADLEY

Here we are yet again in good old Radley,
but we still love it quite madly.
It has been great three weeks for most of us,
yet we still managed to cause plenty of fuss.
Most of us noticed
that staff and students bloom like lotus.
This year has been full of fun and joy,
but we still continue to annoy,
those who have made our days and activities
full of meriness, festivities and relativities.

Let me start with our boss
with who you shuld never toss.
His name is Gary,
and as we all know he is constantly merry.
He would give us strikes and birthday cakes
so we would never make anymore stupid mistakes,
like hiding in the boys or girls socials
and getting too emotional.
He will never stop answering our silly questions
and will always take our suggestions into consideration.

Now let's go to Katie Potter,
who is our Radleytrotter.
She will come to us in the flash
and will tell you not to smash
your knees, ankles and noses.
Have you met Phil and Karl,
those two never snarl.
They make our free time fun and hell
until our legs and brains swell.
They have been good friends for years
that's why we have to cheer
for them to never end
their friendship that is transcend.

Can you tell me who the tallest person in Radley is?
He always moves with a massive whizz,
as he will not do anything for free
and will rub his hands with glee.
His name is Adam 'The Flirt',
who has a great collection of shirts.
He will stop whenevr you need
but you need to know how to plead.
He likes flirting with beautiful women,
which makes him a Discovery Demon.

Who are the best Activity Leaders?
Mike, Rob, Okey, Facey,Gareth, Dan the lip reader,
Laura, Frankie, Ruth and Rose
the time with those always flows.
Thank you for making our days
fun, full of laughter and happy toes.

I myself have spent quite a lot of time with the teachers,
who believe me, in their previous lives were great preachers.
Aggie, Pilar, Nadine, Sheila and Athena the goddess of wisdom
Hopefully you will all find your way to the holiday freedom.
As for the male teachers,
I think you have been fantabulous creatures.
Vin, Alan,Jack, Wayne who's known as Flint
were always spicing up their lessons with mint.

Oh no!!! I almost forgot about Mr D'arcy,
who speakes all languages but Farsi.
Yesterday he was seen
taking some vitamins.
That made him all happy and cheerful,
but made everybody else quite tearful.
He has been an amazing company to me
and when he leaves I will be in debris.

I am sorry if I did not mention all of you,
but it would take me forever to find rhymes for you.
