Snapshots of the Evening Entertainment...

Each evening, our Social Directors and Activity Leaders host a jam-packed social programme for students to enjoy.
This is a great way for students, activity leaders and teachers to relax, chat and get to know each other better at the end of a busy day of English classes, workshops and sport.

So far we have:

  • enjoyed a night of funny, messy challenges in 'Do-or Die

  • placed our bets at the glamorous casino-night

  • splashed out at the pool party.

  • and competed as contestants on game show 'Bruce's Price is Right'.

    Fun on the field at dusk

The 'Pie-d Piper' strikes again in 'Do-or-Die!

"Nice to see you, to see you...NICE!"

Bruce's Price is always Right

Higher or Lower with Dealer Dan
