The wait is finally over...Launching RADIO RADLEY!

The current students of 'Stoke' class have just made Discovery Summer history. They will forever be known as the pioneers of the fantastic 'Radio Radley'.

Radio Radley is the new way for DS Radley students to make their voices heard across the course - literally! Students and staff alike will tune in to hear all the latest gossip and goings-on at Radley, as well as 2011's most popular summer tunes.

Whet your appetite for RADIO RADLEY by listening to the clip in the post below. We would love to hear what you think so far.

We will also soon announce the winner of RADIO RADLEY'S LOGO COMPETITION. Which student's design will become the new face of Radley Radio?! Stay tuned to find out!

The members of 'Stoke' class, led by teacher Nicholas Clowes.

Well done to all in Stoke:

Edoardo Bastianini, Sofia Covas, Vladimir Golubev, Constantin Golze, Anna Kukushkina, Diego Minjares, Antonia Muellegger, Benedetta Paccoia, Melania Scigliano, Renata Tello de Meneses, Henry Villenueve, Berk Yoguran, Daniella Zashchitnikova and Student Host, Hannah Arnold.

All of your hard work has paid off! We hope you are as proud of the results as we are.

Check out the next post to witness the big moment that Radio Radley was finally unveiled to the rest of Radley.
