Casino Royale

Last night the juniors hit the jackpot at the Casino Royale in fabulous Rad Vegas!

Our hostess Emily welcomed the guests

Dale, Alexander, Francesco and Dan

Emily, Jana and Alice

Silvia and Carmen

Natalia and Ulyana

 Everyone had their photo taken on the red carpet on the way in...


Katerina and Aglae

Chloe and Sophie

Silvia and Carmen

Jorge and Eduardo


Nataliya and Vera

Joe and Dan

Mats, Philipp, Oliver and Cesar

Ivan and Cesar



Matteo, Sacha and Valentin


Leonardo and Niccolo

 Artem, and Sergio Enrique

Francois and Jules



Francesco and Alessia


Maddalena and Francesca

Zhivko and Alexander

Vansit and Mike

Julia and Elif

Aleyna and Irem

Alice and Jana

Julie, Emily, and Maike Isabelle

Pia and Miroslav

Ebbi and Ted

Aleksander and Chris

Patricia and Valentin

Tyra and Richard

Sara and Daniil

Vera and Katya

Dale, Mike and Clare

Paula, Paola, Clare and Andrea

Arseniy and Gary

Matilde and Maria

Kristiana and Aleksandrina

Photographer Dan and banker Beth

Emily, the hostess and croupier

Everyone was given £110 from the Bank of Radley, with Queen Gary's face on!

 Paola and Arseniy

Clare, Paola, Andrea and Paula

Eduardo, Sergio, Enrique and Jorge

Jules and Francois

Oliver, Valentin and Maddalena

Oliver and Philipp

Our barman Dale was serving lemonade and squash cocktails as well as haribo canapés!

Games included roulette, black jack, horse racing, bingo, and poker run by our croupiers Mike, Chris and Jack

And the winner is...

 Well done Sara for finishing with £850!
